@ -221,6 +221,43 @@ class LatentRotate:
s = torch . rot90 ( samples , k = rotate_by , dims = [ 3 , 2 ] )
return ( s , )
def common_ksampler ( device , model , seed , steps , cfg , sampler_name , scheduler , positive , negative , latent_image , denoise = 1.0 , disable_noise = False , start_step = None , last_step = None , force_full_denoise = False ) :
if disable_noise :
noise = torch . zeros ( latent_image . size ( ) , dtype = latent_image . dtype , layout = latent_image . layout , device = " cpu " )
else :
noise = torch . randn ( latent_image . size ( ) , dtype = latent_image . dtype , layout = latent_image . layout , generator = torch . manual_seed ( seed ) , device = " cpu " )
model = model . to ( device )
noise = noise . to ( device )
latent_image = latent_image . to ( device )
positive_copy = [ ]
negative_copy = [ ]
for p in positive :
t = p [ 0 ]
if t . shape [ 0 ] < noise . shape [ 0 ] :
t = torch . cat ( [ t ] * noise . shape [ 0 ] )
t = t . to ( device )
positive_copy + = [ [ t ] + p [ 1 : ] ]
for n in negative :
t = n [ 0 ]
if t . shape [ 0 ] < noise . shape [ 0 ] :
t = torch . cat ( [ t ] * noise . shape [ 0 ] )
t = t . to ( device )
negative_copy + = [ [ t ] + n [ 1 : ] ]
if sampler_name in comfy . samplers . KSampler . SAMPLERS :
sampler = comfy . samplers . KSampler ( model , steps = steps , device = device , sampler = sampler_name , scheduler = scheduler , denoise = denoise )
else :
#other samplers
samples = sampler . sample ( noise , positive_copy , negative_copy , cfg = cfg , latent_image = latent_image , start_step = start_step , last_step = last_step , force_full_denoise = force_full_denoise )
samples = samples . cpu ( )
model = model . cpu ( )
return ( samples , )
class KSampler :
def __init__ ( self , device = " cuda " ) :
self . device = device
@ -246,38 +283,43 @@ class KSampler:
CATEGORY = " sampling "
def sample ( self , model , seed , steps , cfg , sampler_name , scheduler , positive , negative , latent_image , denoise = 1.0 ) :
noise = torch . randn ( latent_image . size ( ) , dtype = latent_image . dtype , layout = latent_image . layout , generator = torch . manual_seed ( seed ) , device = " cpu " )
model = model . to ( self . device )
noise = noise . to ( self . device )
latent_image = latent_image . to ( self . device )
positive_copy = [ ]
negative_copy = [ ]
for p in positive :
t = p [ 0 ]
if t . shape [ 0 ] < noise . shape [ 0 ] :
t = torch . cat ( [ t ] * noise . shape [ 0 ] )
t = t . to ( self . device )
positive_copy + = [ [ t ] + p [ 1 : ] ]
for n in negative :
t = n [ 0 ]
if t . shape [ 0 ] < noise . shape [ 0 ] :
t = torch . cat ( [ t ] * noise . shape [ 0 ] )
t = t . to ( self . device )
negative_copy + = [ [ t ] + n [ 1 : ] ]
if sampler_name in comfy . samplers . KSampler . SAMPLERS :
sampler = comfy . samplers . KSampler ( model , steps = steps , device = self . device , sampler = sampler_name , scheduler = scheduler , denoise = denoise )
else :
#other samplers
return common_ksampler ( self . device , model , seed , steps , cfg , sampler_name , scheduler , positive , negative , latent_image , denoise = denoise )
samples = sampler . sample ( noise , positive_copy , negative_copy , cfg = cfg , latent_image = latent_image )
samples = samples . cpu ( )
model = model . cpu ( )
return ( samples , )
class KSamplerAdvanced :
def __init__ ( self , device = " cuda " ) :
self . device = device
def INPUT_TYPES ( s ) :
return { " required " :
{ " model " : ( " MODEL " , ) ,
" add_noise " : ( [ " enable " , " disable " ] , ) ,
" noise_seed " : ( " INT " , { " default " : 0 , " min " : 0 , " max " : 0xffffffffffffffff } ) ,
" steps " : ( " INT " , { " default " : 20 , " min " : 1 , " max " : 10000 } ) ,
" cfg " : ( " FLOAT " , { " default " : 8.0 , " min " : 0.0 , " max " : 100.0 } ) ,
" sampler_name " : ( comfy . samplers . KSampler . SAMPLERS , ) ,
" scheduler " : ( comfy . samplers . KSampler . SCHEDULERS , ) ,
" positive " : ( " CONDITIONING " , ) ,
" negative " : ( " CONDITIONING " , ) ,
" latent_image " : ( " LATENT " , ) ,
" start_at_step " : ( " INT " , { " default " : 0 , " min " : 0 , " max " : 10000 } ) ,
" end_at_step " : ( " INT " , { " default " : 10000 , " min " : 0 , " max " : 10000 } ) ,
" return_with_leftover_noise " : ( [ " disable " , " enable " ] , ) ,
} }
FUNCTION = " sample "
CATEGORY = " sampling "
def sample ( self , model , add_noise , noise_seed , steps , cfg , sampler_name , scheduler , positive , negative , latent_image , start_at_step , end_at_step , return_with_leftover_noise , denoise = 1.0 ) :
force_full_denoise = True
if return_with_leftover_noise == " enable " :
force_full_denoise = False
disable_noise = False
if add_noise == " disable " :
disable_noise = True
return common_ksampler ( self . device , model , noise_seed , steps , cfg , sampler_name , scheduler , positive , negative , latent_image , denoise = denoise , disable_noise = disable_noise , start_step = start_at_step , last_step = end_at_step , force_full_denoise = force_full_denoise )
class SaveImage :
def __init__ ( self ) :
@ -365,6 +407,7 @@ NODE_CLASS_MAPPINGS = {
" LoadImage " : LoadImage ,
" ConditioningCombine " : ConditioningCombine ,
" ConditioningSetArea " : ConditioningSetArea ,
" KSamplerAdvanced " : KSamplerAdvanced ,
" LatentRotate " : LatentRotate ,