diffusers loader

sALTaccount 2 years ago
parent d5cce8345f
commit 60127a8304

@ -0,0 +1,364 @@
import json
import os
import yaml
# because of local import nonsense
import sys
import folder_paths
from comfy.ldm.util import instantiate_from_config
from comfy.sd import ModelPatcher, load_model_weights, CLIP, VAE
import os.path as osp
import re
import torch
from safetensors.torch import load_file, save_file
# conversion code from https://github.com/huggingface/diffusers/blob/main/scripts/convert_diffusers_to_original_stable_diffusion.py
# =================#
# UNet Conversion #
# =================#
unet_conversion_map = [
# (stable-diffusion, HF Diffusers)
("time_embed.0.weight", "time_embedding.linear_1.weight"),
("time_embed.0.bias", "time_embedding.linear_1.bias"),
("time_embed.2.weight", "time_embedding.linear_2.weight"),
("time_embed.2.bias", "time_embedding.linear_2.bias"),
("input_blocks.0.0.weight", "conv_in.weight"),
("input_blocks.0.0.bias", "conv_in.bias"),
("out.0.weight", "conv_norm_out.weight"),
("out.0.bias", "conv_norm_out.bias"),
("out.2.weight", "conv_out.weight"),
("out.2.bias", "conv_out.bias"),
unet_conversion_map_resnet = [
# (stable-diffusion, HF Diffusers)
("in_layers.0", "norm1"),
("in_layers.2", "conv1"),
("out_layers.0", "norm2"),
("out_layers.3", "conv2"),
("emb_layers.1", "time_emb_proj"),
("skip_connection", "conv_shortcut"),
unet_conversion_map_layer = []
# hardcoded number of downblocks and resnets/attentions...
# would need smarter logic for other networks.
for i in range(4):
# loop over downblocks/upblocks
for j in range(2):
# loop over resnets/attentions for downblocks
hf_down_res_prefix = f"down_blocks.{i}.resnets.{j}."
sd_down_res_prefix = f"input_blocks.{3 * i + j + 1}.0."
unet_conversion_map_layer.append((sd_down_res_prefix, hf_down_res_prefix))
if i < 3:
# no attention layers in down_blocks.3
hf_down_atn_prefix = f"down_blocks.{i}.attentions.{j}."
sd_down_atn_prefix = f"input_blocks.{3 * i + j + 1}.1."
unet_conversion_map_layer.append((sd_down_atn_prefix, hf_down_atn_prefix))
for j in range(3):
# loop over resnets/attentions for upblocks
hf_up_res_prefix = f"up_blocks.{i}.resnets.{j}."
sd_up_res_prefix = f"output_blocks.{3 * i + j}.0."
unet_conversion_map_layer.append((sd_up_res_prefix, hf_up_res_prefix))
if i > 0:
# no attention layers in up_blocks.0
hf_up_atn_prefix = f"up_blocks.{i}.attentions.{j}."
sd_up_atn_prefix = f"output_blocks.{3 * i + j}.1."
unet_conversion_map_layer.append((sd_up_atn_prefix, hf_up_atn_prefix))
if i < 3:
# no downsample in down_blocks.3
hf_downsample_prefix = f"down_blocks.{i}.downsamplers.0.conv."
sd_downsample_prefix = f"input_blocks.{3 * (i + 1)}.0.op."
unet_conversion_map_layer.append((sd_downsample_prefix, hf_downsample_prefix))
# no upsample in up_blocks.3
hf_upsample_prefix = f"up_blocks.{i}.upsamplers.0."
sd_upsample_prefix = f"output_blocks.{3 * i + 2}.{1 if i == 0 else 2}."
unet_conversion_map_layer.append((sd_upsample_prefix, hf_upsample_prefix))
hf_mid_atn_prefix = "mid_block.attentions.0."
sd_mid_atn_prefix = "middle_block.1."
unet_conversion_map_layer.append((sd_mid_atn_prefix, hf_mid_atn_prefix))
for j in range(2):
hf_mid_res_prefix = f"mid_block.resnets.{j}."
sd_mid_res_prefix = f"middle_block.{2 * j}."
unet_conversion_map_layer.append((sd_mid_res_prefix, hf_mid_res_prefix))
def convert_unet_state_dict(unet_state_dict):
# buyer beware: this is a *brittle* function,
# and correct output requires that all of these pieces interact in
# the exact order in which I have arranged them.
mapping = {k: k for k in unet_state_dict.keys()}
for sd_name, hf_name in unet_conversion_map:
mapping[hf_name] = sd_name
for k, v in mapping.items():
if "resnets" in k:
for sd_part, hf_part in unet_conversion_map_resnet:
v = v.replace(hf_part, sd_part)
mapping[k] = v
for k, v in mapping.items():
for sd_part, hf_part in unet_conversion_map_layer:
v = v.replace(hf_part, sd_part)
mapping[k] = v
new_state_dict = {v: unet_state_dict[k] for k, v in mapping.items()}
return new_state_dict
# ================#
# VAE Conversion #
# ================#
vae_conversion_map = [
# (stable-diffusion, HF Diffusers)
("nin_shortcut", "conv_shortcut"),
("norm_out", "conv_norm_out"),
("mid.attn_1.", "mid_block.attentions.0."),
for i in range(4):
# down_blocks have two resnets
for j in range(2):
hf_down_prefix = f"encoder.down_blocks.{i}.resnets.{j}."
sd_down_prefix = f"encoder.down.{i}.block.{j}."
vae_conversion_map.append((sd_down_prefix, hf_down_prefix))
if i < 3:
hf_downsample_prefix = f"down_blocks.{i}.downsamplers.0."
sd_downsample_prefix = f"down.{i}.downsample."
vae_conversion_map.append((sd_downsample_prefix, hf_downsample_prefix))
hf_upsample_prefix = f"up_blocks.{i}.upsamplers.0."
sd_upsample_prefix = f"up.{3 - i}.upsample."
vae_conversion_map.append((sd_upsample_prefix, hf_upsample_prefix))
# up_blocks have three resnets
# also, up blocks in hf are numbered in reverse from sd
for j in range(3):
hf_up_prefix = f"decoder.up_blocks.{i}.resnets.{j}."
sd_up_prefix = f"decoder.up.{3 - i}.block.{j}."
vae_conversion_map.append((sd_up_prefix, hf_up_prefix))
# this part accounts for mid blocks in both the encoder and the decoder
for i in range(2):
hf_mid_res_prefix = f"mid_block.resnets.{i}."
sd_mid_res_prefix = f"mid.block_{i + 1}."
vae_conversion_map.append((sd_mid_res_prefix, hf_mid_res_prefix))
vae_conversion_map_attn = [
# (stable-diffusion, HF Diffusers)
("norm.", "group_norm."),
("q.", "query."),
("k.", "key."),
("v.", "value."),
("proj_out.", "proj_attn."),
def reshape_weight_for_sd(w):
# convert HF linear weights to SD conv2d weights
return w.reshape(*w.shape, 1, 1)
def convert_vae_state_dict(vae_state_dict):
mapping = {k: k for k in vae_state_dict.keys()}
for k, v in mapping.items():
for sd_part, hf_part in vae_conversion_map:
v = v.replace(hf_part, sd_part)
mapping[k] = v
for k, v in mapping.items():
if "attentions" in k:
for sd_part, hf_part in vae_conversion_map_attn:
v = v.replace(hf_part, sd_part)
mapping[k] = v
new_state_dict = {v: vae_state_dict[k] for k, v in mapping.items()}
weights_to_convert = ["q", "k", "v", "proj_out"]
for k, v in new_state_dict.items():
for weight_name in weights_to_convert:
if f"mid.attn_1.{weight_name}.weight" in k:
print(f"Reshaping {k} for SD format")
new_state_dict[k] = reshape_weight_for_sd(v)
return new_state_dict
# =========================#
# Text Encoder Conversion #
# =========================#
textenc_conversion_lst = [
# (stable-diffusion, HF Diffusers)
("resblocks.", "text_model.encoder.layers."),
("ln_1", "layer_norm1"),
("ln_2", "layer_norm2"),
(".c_fc.", ".fc1."),
(".c_proj.", ".fc2."),
(".attn", ".self_attn"),
("ln_final.", "transformer.text_model.final_layer_norm."),
("token_embedding.weight", "transformer.text_model.embeddings.token_embedding.weight"),
("positional_embedding", "transformer.text_model.embeddings.position_embedding.weight"),
protected = {re.escape(x[1]): x[0] for x in textenc_conversion_lst}
textenc_pattern = re.compile("|".join(protected.keys()))
# Ordering is from https://github.com/pytorch/pytorch/blob/master/test/cpp/api/modules.cpp
code2idx = {"q": 0, "k": 1, "v": 2}
def convert_text_enc_state_dict_v20(text_enc_dict):
new_state_dict = {}
capture_qkv_weight = {}
capture_qkv_bias = {}
for k, v in text_enc_dict.items():
if (
or k.endswith(".self_attn.k_proj.weight")
or k.endswith(".self_attn.v_proj.weight")
k_pre = k[: -len(".q_proj.weight")]
k_code = k[-len("q_proj.weight")]
if k_pre not in capture_qkv_weight:
capture_qkv_weight[k_pre] = [None, None, None]
capture_qkv_weight[k_pre][code2idx[k_code]] = v
if (
or k.endswith(".self_attn.k_proj.bias")
or k.endswith(".self_attn.v_proj.bias")
k_pre = k[: -len(".q_proj.bias")]
k_code = k[-len("q_proj.bias")]
if k_pre not in capture_qkv_bias:
capture_qkv_bias[k_pre] = [None, None, None]
capture_qkv_bias[k_pre][code2idx[k_code]] = v
relabelled_key = textenc_pattern.sub(lambda m: protected[re.escape(m.group(0))], k)
new_state_dict[relabelled_key] = v
for k_pre, tensors in capture_qkv_weight.items():
if None in tensors:
raise Exception("CORRUPTED MODEL: one of the q-k-v values for the text encoder was missing")
relabelled_key = textenc_pattern.sub(lambda m: protected[re.escape(m.group(0))], k_pre)
new_state_dict[relabelled_key + ".in_proj_weight"] = torch.cat(tensors)
for k_pre, tensors in capture_qkv_bias.items():
if None in tensors:
raise Exception("CORRUPTED MODEL: one of the q-k-v values for the text encoder was missing")
relabelled_key = textenc_pattern.sub(lambda m: protected[re.escape(m.group(0))], k_pre)
new_state_dict[relabelled_key + ".in_proj_bias"] = torch.cat(tensors)
return new_state_dict
def convert_text_enc_state_dict(text_enc_dict):
return text_enc_dict
def load_diffusers(model_path, fp16=True, output_vae=True, output_clip=True, embedding_directory=None):
diffusers_unet_conf = json.load(open(osp.join(model_path, "unet/config.json")))
diffusers_scheduler_conf = json.load(open(osp.join(model_path, "scheduler/scheduler_config.json")))
# magic
v2 = diffusers_unet_conf["sample_size"] == 96
v_pred = diffusers_scheduler_conf['prediction_type'] == 'v_prediction'
if v2:
if v_pred:
config_path = folder_paths.get_full_path("configs", 'v2-inference-v.yaml')
config_path = folder_paths.get_full_path("configs", 'v2-inference.yaml')
config_path = folder_paths.get_full_path("configs", 'v1-inference.yaml')
with open(config_path, 'r') as stream:
config = yaml.safe_load(stream)
model_config_params = config['model']['params']
clip_config = model_config_params['cond_stage_config']
scale_factor = model_config_params['scale_factor']
vae_config = model_config_params['first_stage_config']
vae_config['scale_factor'] = scale_factor
unet_path = osp.join(model_path, "unet", "diffusion_pytorch_model.safetensors")
vae_path = osp.join(model_path, "vae", "diffusion_pytorch_model.safetensors")
text_enc_path = osp.join(model_path, "text_encoder", "model.safetensors")
# Load models from safetensors if it exists, if it doesn't pytorch
if osp.exists(unet_path):
unet_state_dict = load_file(unet_path, device="cpu")
unet_path = osp.join(model_path, "unet", "diffusion_pytorch_model.bin")
unet_state_dict = torch.load(unet_path, map_location="cpu")
if osp.exists(vae_path):
vae_state_dict = load_file(vae_path, device="cpu")
vae_path = osp.join(model_path, "vae", "diffusion_pytorch_model.bin")
vae_state_dict = torch.load(vae_path, map_location="cpu")
if osp.exists(text_enc_path):
text_enc_dict = load_file(text_enc_path, device="cpu")
text_enc_path = osp.join(model_path, "text_encoder", "pytorch_model.bin")
text_enc_dict = torch.load(text_enc_path, map_location="cpu")
# Convert the UNet model
unet_state_dict = convert_unet_state_dict(unet_state_dict)
unet_state_dict = {"model.diffusion_model." + k: v for k, v in unet_state_dict.items()}
# Convert the VAE model
vae_state_dict = convert_vae_state_dict(vae_state_dict)
vae_state_dict = {"first_stage_model." + k: v for k, v in vae_state_dict.items()}
# Easiest way to identify v2.0 model seems to be that the text encoder (OpenCLIP) is deeper
is_v20_model = "text_model.encoder.layers.22.layer_norm2.bias" in text_enc_dict
if is_v20_model:
# Need to add the tag 'transformer' in advance so we can knock it out from the final layer-norm
text_enc_dict = {"transformer." + k: v for k, v in text_enc_dict.items()}
text_enc_dict = convert_text_enc_state_dict_v20(text_enc_dict)
text_enc_dict = {"cond_stage_model.model." + k: v for k, v in text_enc_dict.items()}
text_enc_dict = convert_text_enc_state_dict(text_enc_dict)
text_enc_dict = {"cond_stage_model.transformer." + k: v for k, v in text_enc_dict.items()}
# Put together new checkpoint
sd = {**unet_state_dict, **vae_state_dict, **text_enc_dict}
clip = None
vae = None
class WeightsLoader(torch.nn.Module):
w = WeightsLoader()
load_state_dict_to = []
if output_vae:
vae = VAE(scale_factor=scale_factor, config=vae_config)
w.first_stage_model = vae.first_stage_model
load_state_dict_to = [w]
if output_clip:
clip = CLIP(config=clip_config, embedding_directory=embedding_directory)
w.cond_stage_model = clip.cond_stage_model
load_state_dict_to = [w]
model = instantiate_from_config(config["model"])
model = load_model_weights(model, sd, verbose=False, load_state_dict_to=load_state_dict_to)
if fp16:
model = model.half()
return ModelPatcher(model), clip, vae

@ -4,13 +4,14 @@ import os
import sys import sys
import json import json
import hashlib import hashlib
import copy
import traceback import traceback
from PIL import Image from PIL import Image
from PIL.PngImagePlugin import PngInfo from PIL.PngImagePlugin import PngInfo
import numpy as np import numpy as np
from comfy.diffusers_convert import load_diffusers
sys.path.insert(0, os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), "comfy")) sys.path.insert(0, os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), "comfy"))
@ -219,6 +220,21 @@ class CheckpointLoaderSimple:
out = comfy.sd.load_checkpoint_guess_config(ckpt_path, output_vae=True, output_clip=True, embedding_directory=folder_paths.get_folder_paths("embeddings")) out = comfy.sd.load_checkpoint_guess_config(ckpt_path, output_vae=True, output_clip=True, embedding_directory=folder_paths.get_folder_paths("embeddings"))
return out return out
class DiffusersLoader:
def INPUT_TYPES(cls):
return {"required": {"model_path": (os.listdir(os.path.join(folder_paths.models_dir, 'diffusers'), ),),
FUNCTION = "load_checkpoint"
CATEGORY = "loaders"
def load_checkpoint(self, model_path, output_vae=True, output_clip=True):
model_path = os.path.join(folder_paths.models_dir, 'diffusers', model_path)
return load_diffusers(model_path, fp16=True, output_vae=output_vae, output_clip=output_clip, embedding_directory=folder_paths.get_folder_paths("embeddings"))
class unCLIPCheckpointLoader: class unCLIPCheckpointLoader:
@classmethod @classmethod
@ -1076,6 +1092,7 @@ NODE_CLASS_MAPPINGS = {
"TomePatchModel": TomePatchModel, "TomePatchModel": TomePatchModel,
"unCLIPCheckpointLoader": unCLIPCheckpointLoader, "unCLIPCheckpointLoader": unCLIPCheckpointLoader,
"CheckpointLoader": CheckpointLoader, "CheckpointLoader": CheckpointLoader,
"DiffusersLoader": DiffusersLoader,
} }
def load_custom_node(module_path): def load_custom_node(module_path):
