@ -126,4 +126,84 @@ export const ComfyWidgets = {
return { widget: node.addWidget("text", inputName, defaultVal, () => {}, {}) };
IMAGEUPLOAD(node, inputName, inputData, app) {
const imageWidget = node.widgets.find((w) => w.name === "image");
let uploadWidget;
function showImage(name) {
// Position the image somewhere sensible
if(!node.imageOffset) {
node.imageOffset = uploadWidget.last_y ? uploadWidget.last_y + 25 : 75;
const img = new Image();
img.onload = () => {
node.imgs = [img];
img.src = `/view/${name}?type=uploads`;
// Add our own callback to the combo widget to render an image when it changes
const cb = node.callback;
imageWidget.callback = function () {
if (cb) {
return cb.apply(this, arguments);
// On load if we have a value then render the image
// The value isnt set immediately so we need to wait a moment
// No change callbacks seem to be fired on initial setting of the value
requestAnimationFrame(() => {
if (imageWidget.value) {
const fileInput = document.createElement("input");
Object.assign(fileInput, {
type: "file",
accept: "image/jpeg,image/png",
style: "display: none",
onchange: async () => {
if (fileInput.files.length) {
try {
// Wrap file in formdata so it includes filename
const body = new FormData();
body.append("image", fileInput.files[0]);
const resp = await fetch("/upload/image", {
method: "POST",
if (resp.status === 200) {
const data = await resp.json();
// Add the file as an option and update the widget value
if (!imageWidget.options.values.includes(data.name)) {
imageWidget.value = data.name;
} else {
alert(resp.status + " - " + resp.statusText);
} catch (error) {
// Create the button widget for selecting the files
uploadWidget = node.addWidget("button", "choose file to upload", "image", () => {
uploadWidget.serialize = false;
return { widget: uploadWidget };