import os
import sys
import asyncio
import traceback
import nodes
import folder_paths
import execution
import uuid
import urllib
import json
import glob
import struct
from PIL import Image, ImageOps
from PIL.PngImagePlugin import PngInfo
from io import BytesIO
import aiohttp
from aiohttp import web
except ImportError:
print("Module 'aiohttp' not installed. Please install it via:")
print("pip install aiohttp")
print("pip install -r requirements.txt")
import mimetypes
from comfy.cli_args import args
import comfy.utils
import comfy.model_management
class BinaryEventTypes:
async def send_socket_catch_exception(function, message):
await function(message)
except (aiohttp.ClientError, aiohttp.ClientPayloadError, ConnectionResetError) as err:
print("send error:", err)
async def cache_control(request: web.Request, handler):
response: web.Response = await handler(request)
if request.path.endswith('.js') or request.path.endswith('.css'):
response.headers.setdefault('Cache-Control', 'no-cache')
return response
def create_cors_middleware(allowed_origin: str):
async def cors_middleware(request: web.Request, handler):
if request.method == "OPTIONS":
# Pre-flight request. Reply successfully:
response = web.Response()
response = await handler(request)
response.headers['Access-Control-Allow-Origin'] = allowed_origin
response.headers['Access-Control-Allow-Methods'] = 'POST, GET, DELETE, PUT, OPTIONS'
response.headers['Access-Control-Allow-Headers'] = 'Content-Type, Authorization'
response.headers['Access-Control-Allow-Credentials'] = 'true'
return response
return cors_middleware
class PromptServer():
def __init__(self, loop):
PromptServer.instance = self
mimetypes.types_map['.js'] = 'application/javascript; charset=utf-8'
self.supports = ["custom_nodes_from_web"]
self.prompt_queue = None
self.loop = loop
self.messages = asyncio.Queue()
self.number = 0
middlewares = [cache_control]
if args.enable_cors_header:
self.app = web.Application(client_max_size=104857600, middlewares=middlewares)
self.sockets = dict()
self.web_root = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(
os.path.realpath(__file__)), "web")
routes = web.RouteTableDef()
self.routes = routes
self.last_node_id = None
self.client_id = None
self.on_prompt_handlers = []
async def websocket_handler(request):
ws = web.WebSocketResponse()
await ws.prepare(request)
sid = request.rel_url.query.get('clientId', '')
if sid:
# Reusing existing session, remove old
self.sockets.pop(sid, None)
sid = uuid.uuid4().hex
self.sockets[sid] = ws
# Send initial state to the new client
await self.send("status", { "status": self.get_queue_info(), 'sid': sid }, sid)
# On reconnect if we are the currently executing client send the current node
if self.client_id == sid and self.last_node_id is not None:
await self.send("executing", { "node": self.last_node_id }, sid)
async for msg in ws:
if msg.type == aiohttp.WSMsgType.ERROR:
print('ws connection closed with exception %s' % ws.exception())
self.sockets.pop(sid, None)
return ws
async def get_root(request):
return web.FileResponse(os.path.join(self.web_root, "index.html"))
def get_embeddings(self):
embeddings = folder_paths.get_filename_list("embeddings")
return web.json_response(list(map(lambda a: os.path.splitext(a)[0], embeddings)))
async def get_extensions(request):
files = glob.glob(os.path.join(
self.web_root, 'extensions/**/*.js'), recursive=True)
extensions = list(map(lambda f: "/" + os.path.relpath(f, self.web_root).replace("\\", "/"), files))
for name, dir in nodes.EXTENSION_WEB_DIRS.items():
files = glob.glob(os.path.join(dir, '**/*.js'), recursive=True)
extensions.extend(list(map(lambda f: "/extensions/" + urllib.parse.quote(
name) + "/" + os.path.relpath(f, dir).replace("\\", "/"), files)))
return web.json_response(extensions)
def get_dir_by_type(dir_type):
if dir_type is None:
dir_type = "input"
if dir_type == "input":
type_dir = folder_paths.get_input_directory()
elif dir_type == "temp":
type_dir = folder_paths.get_temp_directory()
elif dir_type == "output":
type_dir = folder_paths.get_output_directory()
return type_dir, dir_type
def image_upload(post, image_save_function=None):
image = post.get("image")
overwrite = post.get("overwrite")
image_upload_type = post.get("type")
upload_dir, image_upload_type = get_dir_by_type(image_upload_type)
if image and image.file:
filename = image.filename
if not filename:
return web.Response(status=400)
subfolder = post.get("subfolder", "")
full_output_folder = os.path.join(upload_dir, os.path.normpath(subfolder))
filepath = os.path.join(full_output_folder, filename)
if os.path.commonpath((upload_dir, os.path.abspath(filepath))) != upload_dir:
return web.Response(status=400)
if not os.path.exists(full_output_folder):
split = os.path.splitext(filename)
if overwrite is not None and (overwrite == "true" or overwrite == "1"):
i = 1
while os.path.exists(filepath):
filename = f"{split[0]} ({i}){split[1]}"
filepath = os.path.join(full_output_folder, filename)
i += 1
if image_save_function is not None:
image_save_function(image, post, filepath)
with open(filepath, "wb") as f:
return web.json_response({"name" : filename, "subfolder": subfolder, "type": image_upload_type})
return web.Response(status=400)
async def upload_image(request):
post = await request.post()
return image_upload(post)
async def upload_mask(request):
post = await request.post()
def image_save_function(image, post, filepath):
original_ref = json.loads(post.get("original_ref"))
filename, output_dir = folder_paths.annotated_filepath(original_ref['filename'])
# validation for security: prevent accessing arbitrary path
if filename[0] == '/' or '..' in filename:
return web.Response(status=400)
if output_dir is None:
type = original_ref.get("type", "output")
output_dir = folder_paths.get_directory_by_type(type)
if output_dir is None:
return web.Response(status=400)
if original_ref.get("subfolder", "") != "":
full_output_dir = os.path.join(output_dir, original_ref["subfolder"])
if os.path.commonpath((os.path.abspath(full_output_dir), output_dir)) != output_dir:
return web.Response(status=403)
output_dir = full_output_dir
file = os.path.join(output_dir, filename)
if os.path.isfile(file):
with Image.open(file) as original_pil:
metadata = PngInfo()
if hasattr(original_pil,'text'):
for key in original_pil.text:
metadata.add_text(key, original_pil.text[key])
original_pil = original_pil.convert('RGBA')
mask_pil = Image.open(image.file).convert('RGBA')
# alpha copy
new_alpha = mask_pil.getchannel('A')
original_pil.save(filepath, compress_level=4, pnginfo=metadata)
return image_upload(post, image_save_function)
async def view_image(request):
if "filename" in request.rel_url.query:
filename = request.rel_url.query["filename"]
filename,output_dir = folder_paths.annotated_filepath(filename)
# validation for security: prevent accessing arbitrary path
if filename[0] == '/' or '..' in filename:
return web.Response(status=400)
if output_dir is None:
type = request.rel_url.query.get("type", "output")
output_dir = folder_paths.get_directory_by_type(type)
if output_dir is None:
return web.Response(status=400)
if "subfolder" in request.rel_url.query:
full_output_dir = os.path.join(output_dir, request.rel_url.query["subfolder"])
if os.path.commonpath((os.path.abspath(full_output_dir), output_dir)) != output_dir:
return web.Response(status=403)
output_dir = full_output_dir
filename = os.path.basename(filename)
file = os.path.join(output_dir, filename)
if os.path.isfile(file):
improve: lightweight preview to reduce network traffic (#733)
* To reduce bandwidth traffic in a remote environment, a lossy compression-based preview mode is provided for displaying simple visualizations in node-based widgets.
* Added 'preview=[image format]' option to the '/view' API.
* Updated node to use preview for displaying images as widgets.
* Excluded preview usage in the open image, save image, mask editor where the original data is required.
* Made preview_format parameterizable for extensibility.
* default preview format changed: jpeg -> webp
* Support advanced preview_format option.
- grayscale option for visual debugging
- quality option for aggressive reducing
jpeg => rgb, jpeg, quality 90
L;webp;80 => grayscale, webp, quality 80
L;png => grayscale, png, quality 90
webp;50 => rgb, webp, quality 50
* move comment
* * add settings for preview_format
* default value is ''(= don't reencode)
Co-authored-by: Lt.Dr.Data <lt.dr.data@gmail.com>
2 years ago
if 'preview' in request.rel_url.query:
with Image.open(file) as img:
preview_info = request.rel_url.query['preview'].split(';')
image_format = preview_info[0]
if image_format not in ['webp', 'jpeg'] or 'a' in request.rel_url.query.get('channel', ''):
image_format = 'webp'
improve: lightweight preview to reduce network traffic (#733)
* To reduce bandwidth traffic in a remote environment, a lossy compression-based preview mode is provided for displaying simple visualizations in node-based widgets.
* Added 'preview=[image format]' option to the '/view' API.
* Updated node to use preview for displaying images as widgets.
* Excluded preview usage in the open image, save image, mask editor where the original data is required.
* Made preview_format parameterizable for extensibility.
* default preview format changed: jpeg -> webp
* Support advanced preview_format option.
- grayscale option for visual debugging
- quality option for aggressive reducing
jpeg => rgb, jpeg, quality 90
L;webp;80 => grayscale, webp, quality 80
L;png => grayscale, png, quality 90
webp;50 => rgb, webp, quality 50
* move comment
* * add settings for preview_format
* default value is ''(= don't reencode)
Co-authored-by: Lt.Dr.Data <lt.dr.data@gmail.com>
2 years ago
quality = 90
if preview_info[-1].isdigit():
quality = int(preview_info[-1])
buffer = BytesIO()
if image_format in ['jpeg'] or request.rel_url.query.get('channel', '') == 'rgb':
img = img.convert("RGB")
img.save(buffer, format=image_format, quality=quality)
improve: lightweight preview to reduce network traffic (#733)
* To reduce bandwidth traffic in a remote environment, a lossy compression-based preview mode is provided for displaying simple visualizations in node-based widgets.
* Added 'preview=[image format]' option to the '/view' API.
* Updated node to use preview for displaying images as widgets.
* Excluded preview usage in the open image, save image, mask editor where the original data is required.
* Made preview_format parameterizable for extensibility.
* default preview format changed: jpeg -> webp
* Support advanced preview_format option.
- grayscale option for visual debugging
- quality option for aggressive reducing
jpeg => rgb, jpeg, quality 90
L;webp;80 => grayscale, webp, quality 80
L;png => grayscale, png, quality 90
webp;50 => rgb, webp, quality 50
* move comment
* * add settings for preview_format
* default value is ''(= don't reencode)
Co-authored-by: Lt.Dr.Data <lt.dr.data@gmail.com>
2 years ago
return web.Response(body=buffer.read(), content_type=f'image/{image_format}',
headers={"Content-Disposition": f"filename=\"{filename}\""})
if 'channel' not in request.rel_url.query:
channel = 'rgba'
channel = request.rel_url.query["channel"]
if channel == 'rgb':
with Image.open(file) as img:
if img.mode == "RGBA":
r, g, b, a = img.split()
new_img = Image.merge('RGB', (r, g, b))
new_img = img.convert("RGB")
buffer = BytesIO()
new_img.save(buffer, format='PNG')
return web.Response(body=buffer.read(), content_type='image/png',
headers={"Content-Disposition": f"filename=\"{filename}\""})
elif channel == 'a':
with Image.open(file) as img:
if img.mode == "RGBA":
_, _, _, a = img.split()
a = Image.new('L', img.size, 255)
# alpha img
alpha_img = Image.new('RGBA', img.size)
alpha_buffer = BytesIO()
alpha_img.save(alpha_buffer, format='PNG')
return web.Response(body=alpha_buffer.read(), content_type='image/png',
headers={"Content-Disposition": f"filename=\"{filename}\""})
return web.FileResponse(file, headers={"Content-Disposition": f"filename=\"{filename}\""})
return web.Response(status=404)
async def view_metadata(request):
folder_name = request.match_info.get("folder_name", None)
if folder_name is None:
return web.Response(status=404)
if not "filename" in request.rel_url.query:
return web.Response(status=404)
filename = request.rel_url.query["filename"]
if not filename.endswith(".safetensors"):
return web.Response(status=404)
safetensors_path = folder_paths.get_full_path(folder_name, filename)
if safetensors_path is None:
return web.Response(status=404)
out = comfy.utils.safetensors_header(safetensors_path, max_size=1024*1024)
if out is None:
return web.Response(status=404)
dt = json.loads(out)
if not "__metadata__" in dt:
return web.Response(status=404)
return web.json_response(dt["__metadata__"])
async def get_queue(request):
device = comfy.model_management.get_torch_device()
device_name = comfy.model_management.get_torch_device_name(device)
vram_total, torch_vram_total = comfy.model_management.get_total_memory(device, torch_total_too=True)
vram_free, torch_vram_free = comfy.model_management.get_free_memory(device, torch_free_too=True)
system_stats = {
"system": {
"os": os.name,
"python_version": sys.version,
"embedded_python": os.path.split(os.path.split(sys.executable)[0])[1] == "python_embeded"
"devices": [
"name": device_name,
"type": device.type,
"index": device.index,
"vram_total": vram_total,
"vram_free": vram_free,
"torch_vram_total": torch_vram_total,
"torch_vram_free": torch_vram_free,
return web.json_response(system_stats)
async def get_prompt(request):
return web.json_response(self.get_queue_info())
def node_info(node_class):
obj_class = nodes.NODE_CLASS_MAPPINGS[node_class]
info = {}
info['input'] = obj_class.INPUT_TYPES()
info['output'] = obj_class.RETURN_TYPES
info['output_is_list'] = obj_class.OUTPUT_IS_LIST if hasattr(obj_class, 'OUTPUT_IS_LIST') else [False] * len(obj_class.RETURN_TYPES)
info['output_name'] = obj_class.RETURN_NAMES if hasattr(obj_class, 'RETURN_NAMES') else info['output']
info['name'] = node_class
info['display_name'] = nodes.NODE_DISPLAY_NAME_MAPPINGS[node_class] if node_class in nodes.NODE_DISPLAY_NAME_MAPPINGS.keys() else node_class
info['description'] = obj_class.DESCRIPTION if hasattr(obj_class,'DESCRIPTION') else ''
info['category'] = 'sd'
if hasattr(obj_class, 'OUTPUT_NODE') and obj_class.OUTPUT_NODE == True:
info['output_node'] = True
info['output_node'] = False
if hasattr(obj_class, 'CATEGORY'):
info['category'] = obj_class.CATEGORY
return info
async def get_object_info(request):
out = {}
for x in nodes.NODE_CLASS_MAPPINGS:
out[x] = node_info(x)
return web.json_response(out)
async def get_object_info_node(request):
node_class = request.match_info.get("node_class", None)
out = {}
if (node_class is not None) and (node_class in nodes.NODE_CLASS_MAPPINGS):
out[node_class] = node_info(node_class)
return web.json_response(out)
async def get_history(request):
return web.json_response(self.prompt_queue.get_history())
async def get_history(request):
prompt_id = request.match_info.get("prompt_id", None)
return web.json_response(self.prompt_queue.get_history(prompt_id=prompt_id))
async def get_queue(request):
queue_info = {}
current_queue = self.prompt_queue.get_current_queue()
queue_info['queue_running'] = current_queue[0]
queue_info['queue_pending'] = current_queue[1]
return web.json_response(queue_info)
async def post_prompt(request):
print("got prompt")
resp_code = 200
out_string = ""
json_data = await request.json()
json_data = self.trigger_on_prompt(json_data)
if "number" in json_data:
number = float(json_data['number'])
number = self.number
if "front" in json_data:
if json_data['front']:
number = -number
self.number += 1
if "prompt" in json_data:
prompt = json_data["prompt"]
valid = execution.validate_prompt(prompt)
extra_data = {}
if "extra_data" in json_data:
extra_data = json_data["extra_data"]
if "client_id" in json_data:
extra_data["client_id"] = json_data["client_id"]
if valid[0]:
prompt_id = str(uuid.uuid4())
outputs_to_execute = valid[2]
self.prompt_queue.put((number, prompt_id, prompt, extra_data, outputs_to_execute))
response = {"prompt_id": prompt_id, "number": number, "node_errors": valid[3]}
return web.json_response(response)
print("invalid prompt:", valid[1])
return web.json_response({"error": valid[1], "node_errors": valid[3]}, status=400)
return web.json_response({"error": "no prompt", "node_errors": []}, status=400)
async def post_queue(request):
json_data = await request.json()
if "clear" in json_data:
if json_data["clear"]:
if "delete" in json_data:
to_delete = json_data['delete']
for id_to_delete in to_delete:
delete_func = lambda a: a[1] == id_to_delete
return web.Response(status=200)
async def post_interrupt(request):
return web.Response(status=200)
async def post_history(request):
json_data = await request.json()
if "clear" in json_data:
if json_data["clear"]:
if "delete" in json_data:
to_delete = json_data['delete']
for id_to_delete in to_delete:
return web.Response(status=200)
def add_routes(self):
for name, dir in nodes.EXTENSION_WEB_DIRS.items():
web.static('/extensions/' + urllib.parse.quote(name), dir, follow_symlinks=True),
web.static('/', self.web_root, follow_symlinks=True),
def get_queue_info(self):
prompt_info = {}
exec_info = {}
exec_info['queue_remaining'] = self.prompt_queue.get_tasks_remaining()
prompt_info['exec_info'] = exec_info
return prompt_info
async def send(self, event, data, sid=None):
if event == BinaryEventTypes.UNENCODED_PREVIEW_IMAGE:
await self.send_image(data, sid=sid)
elif isinstance(data, (bytes, bytearray)):
await self.send_bytes(event, data, sid)
await self.send_json(event, data, sid)
def encode_bytes(self, event, data):
if not isinstance(event, int):
raise RuntimeError(f"Binary event types must be integers, got {event}")
packed = struct.pack(">I", event)
message = bytearray(packed)
return message
async def send_image(self, image_data, sid=None):
image_type = image_data[0]
image = image_data[1]
max_size = image_data[2]
if max_size is not None:
if hasattr(Image, 'Resampling'):
resampling = Image.Resampling.BILINEAR
resampling = Image.ANTIALIAS
image = ImageOps.contain(image, (max_size, max_size), resampling)
type_num = 1
if image_type == "JPEG":
type_num = 1
elif image_type == "PNG":
type_num = 2
bytesIO = BytesIO()
header = struct.pack(">I", type_num)
image.save(bytesIO, format=image_type, quality=95, compress_level=4)
preview_bytes = bytesIO.getvalue()
await self.send_bytes(BinaryEventTypes.PREVIEW_IMAGE, preview_bytes, sid=sid)
async def send_bytes(self, event, data, sid=None):
message = self.encode_bytes(event, data)
if sid is None:
for ws in self.sockets.values():
await send_socket_catch_exception(ws.send_bytes, message)
elif sid in self.sockets:
await send_socket_catch_exception(self.sockets[sid].send_bytes, message)
async def send_json(self, event, data, sid=None):
message = {"type": event, "data": data}
if sid is None:
for ws in self.sockets.values():
await send_socket_catch_exception(ws.send_json, message)
elif sid in self.sockets:
await send_socket_catch_exception(self.sockets[sid].send_json, message)
def send_sync(self, event, data, sid=None):
self.messages.put_nowait, (event, data, sid))
def queue_updated(self):
self.send_sync("status", { "status": self.get_queue_info() })
async def publish_loop(self):
while True:
msg = await self.messages.get()
await self.send(*msg)
async def start(self, address, port, verbose=True, call_on_start=None):
runner = web.AppRunner(self.app)
await runner.setup()
site = web.TCPSite(runner, address, port)
await site.start()
if address == '':
address = ''
if verbose:
print("Starting server\n")
print("To see the GUI go to: http://{}:{}".format(address, port))
if call_on_start is not None:
call_on_start(address, port)
def add_on_prompt_handler(self, handler):
def trigger_on_prompt(self, json_data):
for handler in self.on_prompt_handlers:
json_data = handler(json_data)
except Exception as e:
print(f"[ERROR] An error occurred during the on_prompt_handler processing")
return json_data